7. Manually Uploading Test Results to the Certification Site

If you can’t upload test results to the certification site from the certification program itself, you must do so manually, either using the C3 user interface or from another computer that runs Ubuntu.

7.1. Using C3

Follow these instructions to upload test results to the certification site:

  1. Go to the C3 website (https://certification.canonical.com) and log in.

  2. If you know the machine’s canonical ID, you can go directly to the machine’s page under https://certification.canonical.com/hardware/<canonical_id>. Otherwise, go to the Hardware – Machines page and use the search box to find the machine you want to upload results for, and click on the machine’s name to go to its page.

  3. Click Upload submission on the top of the page to open the submission form. For example, to upload a submission file for a machine with canonical ID 202404-12345, the submission form is at the following URL:

  4. Click Choose File and select the .tar.xz submission file you want to upload.

    Submit submission file to the Certification web site.
  5. Click Submit.

7.2. Using checkbox-ng

To submit results, you must first add the Hardware Certification PPA and install the checkbox-ng package. Follow these instructions:

  1. Add the Hardware Certification PPA:

    $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:checkbox-dev/stable
    $ sudo apt update
  2. Install the package:

    $ sudo apt install checkbox-ng
  3. Run the following command:

    $ checkbox-cli submit <SUT_SECURE_ID> <PATH_TO>/submission_<DATECODE>.tar.xz


    • <SUT_SECURE_ID> can be found on your system’s page on the certification web site (https://certification.canonical.com) by looking next to “Secure ID for testing purposes”:

      The Secure ID can be obtained from the Certification web site.
    • <PATH_TO> refers to the location of the submission_<DATECODE>.tar.xz file (which should be contained in the ~/.local/share/checkbox-ng directory you copied to the USB key).

    • <DATECODE> is a date code. Note that if you re-run the certification suite, you’re likely to see multiple submission_<DATECODE>.xml files, each with a different date code, one for each run. Ordinarily, you should submit the most recent file.

You should see output similar to the following for a successful submission:

$ checkbox-cli submit ABCD00000000000000ABCD \
Successfully sent, submission status at

Once results submission is complete, use the provided link in the output to review the results and confirm that they are correct.