Appendix B: Network Testing Options

A key part of certification is testing your SUT’s network cards. This document is written with the assumption of a fairly basic configuration; however, some labs may have more advanced needs. Important variables include:

  • Multiple simultaneous network tests – A single server takes about 60 minutes per network port to run its network tests – long enough that testing multiple SUTs simultaneously is likely to result in contention for access to the iperf3 server. This is especially true if SUTs have multiple network ports – a server with four ports will tie up an iperf3 server for four hours. An iperf3 server will refuse multiple connections, which should at least enable one SUT’s network tests to pass; but if the iperf3 server has a sufficiently fast NIC, it will then be under-utilized.

  • Advanced network interfaces – A low-end computer configured as described here will likely have a 1 Gbps link to the internal LAN. If you’re testing systems with faster interfaces, you will need a separate computer to function as an iperf3 server.

If your iperf3 target system has a fast NIC and you want to test multiple slower SUTs, you can configure the fast NIC with multiple IP addresses. A NetPlan configuration (as used in Ubuntu 17.10 and later) to support multiple IP addresses can be enabled in /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml (or another file; the name varies depending on how the system was installed). For example:


Note that you do not explicitly set separate names for each interface.

You must activate the changes after making them. In theory, you can do this without rebooting by typing sudo netplan apply; however, you may find it’s necessary to reboot to reliably apply an advanced configuration like this one. You can verify the network settings with ip addr show eno2 (changing the interface name as necessary):

$ ip addr show eno2
3: eno2: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state
   UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
  link/ether 08:00:27:90:0e:07 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
  inet brd scope global eno2
     valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
  inet brd scope global secondary eno2
     valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
  inet brd scope global secondary eno2
     valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
  inet6 fe80::a00:27ff:fe90:e07/64 scope link
     valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

This example shows eno2 up with all three of its IP addresses. Note that the older ifconfig tool will show only the first IP address for any device configured via NetPlan.

You would then launch iperf3 separately on each IP address:

iperf3 -sD -B
iperf3 -sD -B
iperf3 -sD -B

On the MAAS server, you can enter all of the iperf3 target addresses in /etc/maas-cert-server/iperf.conf:,,

The result should be that each of your SUTs will detect an open port on the iperf3 server and use it without conflict, up to the number of ports you’ve configured. Past a certain point, though, you may over-stress your CPU or NIC, which will result in failed network tests. You may need to discover the limit experimentally.

Furthermore, if you want to test a SUT with a NIC that meets the speed of the iperf3 server’s NIC, you’ll have to ensure that the high-speed SUT is tested alone – additional simultaneous tests will degrade the performance of all the tests, causing them all to fail.

If the iperf3 server has multiple interfaces of differing speeds, you may find that performance will match the lowest-speed interface. This is because the Linux kernel arbitrarily decides which NIC to use for handling network traffic when multiple NICs are linked to one network segment, so the kernel may use a low-speed NIC in preference to a high-speed NIC. Two solutions to this problem exist:

  • You can disable the lower-speed NIC(s) (permanently or temporarily) and rely exclusively on the high-speed NIC(s), at least when performing high-speed tests.

  • You can configure the high-speed and low-speed NICs to use different address ranges – for instance, for the low-speed NICs and for the high-speed NICs. This approach will require additional MAAS configuration not described here. To minimize DHCP hassles, it’s best to keep the networks on separate physical switches or VLANs, too.

If your network has a single iperf3 server with multiple physical interfaces, you can launch iperf3 separately on each NIC, as just described; however, you may run into a variant of the problem with NICs of differing speed – the Linux kernel may try to communicate over just one NIC, causing a bottleneck and degraded performance for all tests. Using multiple network segments or bonding NICs together may work around this problem, at the cost of increased configuration complexity.

If your lab uses separate LANs for different network speeds, you can list IP addresses on separate LANs in /etc/maas-cert-server/iperf.conf on the MAAS server or in /etc/xdg/canonical-certification.conf on SUTs. The SUT will try each IP address in turn until a test passes or until all the addresses are exhausted.

If you want to test multiple SUTs but your network lacks a high-speed NIC or a system with multiple NICs, you can do so by splitting your SUTs into two equal-sized groups. On Group A, launch iperf3 as a server, then run the certification suite on Group B, configuring these SUTs to point to Group A’s iperf3 servers. When that run is done, reverse their roles – run iperf3 as a server on Group B and run the certification suite on Group A. You’ll need to adjust the /etc/xdg/canonical-certification.conf file on each SUT to point it to its own matched server.

Testing high-speed network devices (above 10 Gbps) requires changing some network configuration options. Appendix D of the Ubuntu Server Certified Hardware Self-Testing Guide covers how to configure both the SUT and the iperf3 Target system for such testing. Configuration of one feature in particular, though, can be facilitated via MAAS: jumbo frames. When testing servers with high-speed network interfaces (those over about 10Gbps), it’s often necessary to set jumbo frames (an MTU significantly higher than 1500, and typically 9000) on the iperf3 server, the SUT, and any intervening switches. By default, MAAS configures SUTs with an MTU of 1500; however, you can change this detail by editing the MAAS settings:

  1. On any MAAS web UI screen, click Subnets.

  2. On the resulting page, locate the fabric corresponding to your high-speed network and click the link under the VLAN column. (This is usually entitled “untagged,” unless you’ve configured VLAN tagging.)

  3. Under VLAN Summary, you’ll probably see the MTU as set to 1500. If it’s already set to 9000, you don’t need to make any changes. If it’s 1500, though, click the Edit button near the top-right of this section.

  4. The resulting input fields enable you to change configuration details for this network. Change the MTU field to 9000.

  5. Click Save Summary to save the changes.

  6. Perform a test deployment and verify that the node’s MTU is set to 9000 for the interface(s) connected to the high-speed network.

You can make this change even to lower-speed networks or to networks with mixed speeds; however, the change applies to all the computers that MAAS controls on the associated fabric. Because jumbo frames create problems in some cases (such as PXE-booting some older UEFI-based computers or complete failure of communication if intervening switches are not properly configured), you should be cautious about applying this change too broadly. That said, if it works for your servers, there’s little reason to not set jumbo frames universally. Note that this change will not automatically adjust your iperf3 servers’ MTUs, so you may need to set them manually, as described in the Self-Test Guide. You may also need to adjust your switches, since they must support jumbo frames, too, in order to get their speed benefit.

You may find the iftop utility helpful on the iperf3 server system. This tool enables you to monitor network connections, which can help you to spot performance problems early.