================================================================================ Internet of Things Certified Hardware Coverage for Ubuntu Core 24 / Ubuntu 24.04 ================================================================================ Introduction ============ This document lists the coverage for certification of Internet of Things (IoT) devices with Ubuntu images. IoT devices can be certified with the following image types: - Ubuntu Core 24 - Ubuntu Server 24.04 LTS - Ubuntu Desktop 24.04 LTS The guide applies to devices submitted to Canonical through one of the following programmes: - IoT Devices Enablement Programme with Certification - IoT ODM Partner Programme .. include:: ../reuse/include.txt :start-after: .. :end-before: .. .. raw:: pdf PageBreak .. .. include:: ../generated/client-cert-iot-ubuntucore-24.rst .. include:: ../generated/client-cert-iot-server-24-04.rst .. include:: ../generated/client-cert-iot-desktop-24-04.rst .. .. raw:: pdf PageBreak .. _appendix-a-fwts-tests-iot24: Appendix A. FWTS tests ====================== .. include:: ../reuse/include.txt :start-after: .. :end-before: ..